CICL Update October 2024
Dear Members,
This newsletter provides Members with an update on key water issues affecting CICL and its Members’ businesses.
In this month's newsletter -
A new National Water Agreement (NWA)
Commonwealth “buyback” expression of interest
Resilient Rivers Stream D Feasability Application
Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) 2024/2025 water plans
Murrumbidgee Floodplain Management Plan Stage 2 consultation
Helen Dalton Private Members Bill - Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register Reform) Bill 2024
IPART Water NSW and Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC) pricing determination
Water Insights
National Irrigators’ Council AGM
Australian Painted Snipe named “Knighty”
Department of Climate Change Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)
Allocation announcements
High Security 95%
General Security 34%
Groundwater 100%
(Lower Murrumbidgee)
2024-25 CICL announcement and offers
Member benefit 10%
Additional water offer 6%
Water allocation update – NSW – DCCEEW released a water allocation update on Tuesday 15 October 2024. It is here. The next allocation announcement will be published at 2.30pm on Friday 1 November 2024.
A copy of the NSW Department of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water presentation from Friday 6 September is available here.
T: 1300 850 105
Inter-valley trade (IVT)
Up-to-date information on the IVT is here.
You can register for WaterNSW IVT alerts here.
Water charge ready reckoner
CICL has updated the “ready reckoner” to assist customers calculate their 2024/25 charges. The ready reckoner and a guide to using it are available on our website here.
CICL director election
Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited (CICL) received three nominations for the two member director vacancies. An election via postal ballot is being conducted with the ballot closing at 12 noon Tuesday 22 October 2024.
Nominations were received from Annabel Burge, Ryan McGoldrick, and CICL chair, Peter Sheppard.
The successful candidates will be announced at the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and will commence their three-year term of office effective at the conclusion of the AGM.
Ballot papers have been posted and members are encouraged to participate in the director election.
The twenty fifth AGM of members of CICL will be held at the Coleambally Community Club, 3 Falcon Road, Coleambally, on Thursday 24 October 2024 starting at 8:30 am.
The notice of meeting and Annual Report have been mailed to members and the Annual Report is on our website here.
The 2024 AGM is not a hybrid meeting and a quorum of 20 active members is required. Members are encouraged to attend.
Sale of Farm 9002 Coleambally (Aquilex block)
CICL recently offered Farm 9002 for sale to members by tender. None of the tenders received reached the reserve price. The property will be offered on the open market in the coming months.
WaterMart details
CICL is aware with the closure of WaterMart our members and customers may be using new service providers. CICL assures former customers of WaterMart their private information has not and in no circumstances will be shared with other service providers.
Water Operations Update
Before a water order can be placed, customers are required to complete a crop form with intended crop areas per farm.
The crop form is available on our website here or from reception. The completed form can be submitted via email to or in person at reception.
Once your final crop areas are known please call Water Operations to update your crop areas.
CICL is required to report annual crop areas to government as part of its licence requirements. They are also useful for:
forecasting crop water demand seven days in advance for the river offtake order,
tracking water use intensity (ML/ha) and
identifying changes in crop types over time.
Water Operations is looking for expressions of interest to participate in using Rubicon’s updated water ordering portal. If you are interested in participating, please contact Water Operations.
Contact details for Water Operations are as follows: T: 02 6954 4003 business hours only (8.30am to 5pm). M: 0427 544 269 – business hours and After Hours/Emergency contact (please note SMS text messages cannot be received by this number).
Constraints and restrictions
High irrigation demand exceeding the channel capacity of some specific channels has resulted in localised constraints. The customers affected have had their water orders restricted. Where a constraint occurs the available channel capacity is shared between Tier One delivery entitlement holders, until irrigation demand returns to channel capacity.
Customers are encouraged to read the relevant fact sheets here to understand CICL’s approach to Delivery Entitlements, Delivery Capacity and Capacity Sharing, and Steps for Managing a Restriction or Constraint.
Right to disconnect
The Federal Labor government recently changed its industrial relations laws to give employees the “Right to Disconnect” outside of their working hours. This law includes contact from an employer or third party. CICL encourages members to support our compliance with this law. If you need to contact CICL outside of business hours please use the After Hours/Emergency contact number M: 0427 544 269. (Please note SMS messages cannot be received on this number).
CICL thanks members for their understanding and co-operation.
Assets and Maintenance Update
Members are reminded that 1 October was the start of the Bush Fire Season. This means any burning off must have a fire permit. A permit is only for weekdays after 4pm. There is no burning off on weekends or Public Holidays. The permit rules include a requirement to notify your local Fire Control Centre and neighbours at least 24 hours in advance, the fire can be contained and controlled within the specified area, adequate fire breaks and no timber or logs to be lit up. The fire must not be left unattended, appropriate firefighting equipment must be on hand, the fire must be fully out before leaving and abide by any other conditions placed on the permit by the Permit Officer.
The permit to burn is suspended on a Total Fire Ban Day. Before lighting a fire ensure that it is not a Total Fire Ban Day and that the expected weather conditions will not change and make the fire unsafe.
It is important these requirements are adhered to because loss of control when burning off can have consequences for you and your neighbours.
Staff changes
Caitlin Edwards, Water Systems Operator recently left CICL to take a position with Murrumbidgee Irrigation. Members will be familiar with Caitlin as a key after-hours operator for the last two seasons. CICL wishes Caitlin well in her new employment.
New staff
CICL is pleased to welcome two new staff to our team and Coleambally.
Left to right -Noel Currie, Julian Speed and Adrian Bawden
Noel Currie - Program Manager – Strategic Transformation
This is an additional resource, the purpose of the role is to support CICL to deliver its business systems modernisation, a key part of our Strategic Plan. This work will ensure CICL retains its position as “best in class” for the provision of irrigation services.
Noel is originally from New Zealand. Since graduating from Auckland University Noel initially worked in London in accountancy but in the last 20 years he has focussed on delivering strategic and transformational projects for organisations of all sizes and business sectors.
Noel and his wife Sophie own a small hobby farm in southwestern Victoria which has drawn them to the rewards of “rural life.”
Noel said “when I saw the role advertised it was of real interest, though I wasn’t sure about relocation, but Sophie encouraged me to have another look, and I’m so glad she did.”
“We were both delighted from the get-go when we first visited Coleambally and discovered a company that plays an active and integral role in community. Coleambally is a welcoming community of down-to-earth ‘get on with it’ and ‘help each other’ people.”
Noel’s early assessment is CICL has already broken ground and laid the foundations to modernise CICL business systems, ensuring it is well placed to continue servicing members’ needs well into in the future.
Adrian Bawden - Safety, Health and Environment Officer
This is a variation to an existing role. Adrian will lead our Work Health and Safety activities, providing increased support to our staff and greater emphasis to our contractor management. Adrian will also support Keith Thompson in our Environmental Compliance Team, filling a skills gap in this area.
Adrian comes to CICL after 16 years of irrigation management in the almond industry having a broad range of water management experience. He has moved to Coleambally with his wife Fe and is enjoying being part of the community.
Careers at CICL
At CICL we are proud of our workforce and the diverse employment opportunities available. If members know of someone in their network looking for a career change, please encourage them to look at the CICL website careers page for any current positions vacant. Careers — Coleambally Irrigation (
Please help us spread the word about the excellent opportunities at CICL.
Ag Vision
CICL was excited to join the biennial Ag-Vision day to promote agricultural careers in the Riverina-Murray in September. This year, 500 Year 9-12 Students plus 47 teachers from 29 schools attended. The day included around 35 hands on workshops.
CICL’s Bernie Star, Jack Weymouth-Smith and Alison Hayes led our involvement which included a workshop demonstrating working a mini flume gate and soil probe. The workshop provided students with an overview of what is involved in agriculture and irrigation delivery. The scenario began in the Yanco Ag plot where we had installed a moisture probe for the students to measure the moisture to determine the crop’s water requirements. The students then calculated how much water should be ordered and programmed the model flume to deliver the water order. The students learnt how flume gate technology can control the exact water requirements delivered from the channel to the crop.
The day was a valuable opportunity to demonstrate the many opportunities in agriculture and irrigation. Feedback from both students and teachers was overwhelmingly positive.
In response to what was the best part of the day? What they had to offer and the hands-on things as well as all the engaging topics we covered. (Student Murrumbidgee Regional High School).
Students using the model flume.
Environmental compliance
CICL has installed two additional OzForecast weather stations in the area, bringing the total number to 10. A new weather station was installed on the western end of Gilbert Road and the other on Anderson Road. We have also relocated the weather station that was on Farm 9002 to the Coleambally storage dam (North Tubbo). This link contains a list of all the weather stations belonging to CICL. Oz Forecast - CICL Weather Station Observations .
This link is the location page for Coleambally with weather forecast and radar map. here.
The weather stations include valuable data to assist members, including ∆T, temperature, wind speed and direction, rainfall and evapotranspiration. The map below shows the location of the weather stations.
Water Use Limit 2024/2025
Customers are reminded the total farm water use (including on-farm bores) should not exceed 8ML/ha for the 2024/25 season unless they have entered into Water Use Agreements with CICL.
Please contact Keith Thompson via reception on T: 02 6954 4003 for further information.
Rice Soil Suitability Rules
Recent piezometer readings indicate none of the rice soil suitability warning triggers were reached in the 2023/24 season.
As a result, the ‘Rice Soil Suitability’ provisions in the CICL Water Use Policy will remain suspended for another year. These provisions will be reviewed in September 2025, following the evaluation of the 2025 piezometer results.
All other aspects of the CICL Water Use Policy and Guidelines here remain in place.
A new National Water Agreement (NWA)
NSWIC and National Irrigators’ Council are both recommending the NSW Government not rush into signing a new National Water Agreement. CICL supports their approach. The Commonwealth Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water has recently completed consultation on over 300 principles to be included in a new NWA. Consultation on the NWA has been rushed and the irrigation industry has major concerns some of the principles will have negative impacts. Significant concern exist around the potential for a new NWA:
to bind NSW to International Agreements, overriding state rights.
to empower First Nations with veto powers in water management and planning.
to increase First Nations ownership of water entitlements outside of a market mechanism.
The ultimate outcome of these potential changes is the erosion of the existing “property rights” framework in the current National Water Initiative which has been an important foundation giving water users and the environment a known framework which has underpinned investment.
The two irrigators’ councils are advocating for state governments not to sign any updated agreement without addressing these concerns and more meaningful consultation.
Commonwealth “buyback” expresiion of interest
On Monday 30 September 2024 the Commonwealth announced two Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the sale of water entitlements to the Australian Government. One EOI is for parcels with a minimum volume of 10ML, the other is for large parcels of around 20GL.
Water entitlements held within IIO’s are eligible to be considered in these EOIs.
Further information is at this link Restoring Our Rivers 2024 Year 1 - Purchasing Approaches - DCCEEW.
The details and conditions of the EOI and the application form must be accessed via AusTender.
The closing date is 12.00pm on Wednesday 27 November 2024.
Resilient Rivers Stream D Feasability Application
The joint application for feasibility funding by Murray Irrigation, Murrumbidgee Irrigation and Coleambally Irrigation has been approved by the NSW Government and has been with the Commonwealth for their consideration for nearly two months.
The purpose of this work is to identify place-based solutions to increase the resilience and sustainability of the Southern Irrigation Districts.
The reality is despite what governments say the processes in place to support initiatives which provide opportunities to minimise the impacts of buybacks on communities and businesses are not co-ordinated and are progressing slowly.
If approved, CICL will be talking to members and customers about the investigation and analyses to be completed.
Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) 2024/2025 water plans
The CEWH has released its annual 2024/2025 water priorities for all catchments. The Murrumbidgee catchment is here. Key points to note are the CEWH is not planning a mid-Murrumbidgee re-connection event, and delivery to a number of sites will be impacted by infrastructure works including flood repair works in the LowBidgee and potentially infrastructure works in the Yanco Creek.
Murrumbidgee Floodplain Management Plan Stage 2 consultation
CICL made a submission to the public consultation for the Murrumbidgee Floodplain Management Plan. The updated draft Floodplain Boundary in Stage 2 reflects CICL’s lived experience of the extent of actual inundation for the design flood events.
CICL is seeking regulatory certainty for the continued operation of its irrigation supply and drainage assets transferred from government to CICL during the corporatisation and privatisation of CICL in the final Murrumbidgee Floodplain Management Plan.
The NSW Department of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) anticipates the new floodplain management plan will commence on 1 July 2025. Further information is here.
Helen Dalton Private Members Bill - Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register Reform) Bill 2024
Member for Murray, Helen Dalton has worked with Labor government to gain their support for a Bill to introduce changes to the Water Access Licence Register. The Bill does not capture CICL’s irrigation rights. The government has provided assurances the Bill will not result in duplication with the Commonwealth Water Market Reforms. The Bill also proposes Irrigation Infrastructure Operators have some form of independent dispute resolution process.
The Bill was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 26 September 2024 with Government amendments and now proceeds to the Legislative Council. Further information is here.
IPART Water NSW and Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC) pricing determination
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has commenced a five-year price determination for both WaterNSW and WAMC. Further information is here.
IPART is holding a public hearing on Wednesday 14 November at 9.30am, you can register here.
IPART will release its Issues Paper on Friday 1 November along with both the WaterNSW and WAMC pricing proposals.
Once the issues paper is released, IPART will call for submissions with their draft determination released in March 2025.
Information presented to WaterNSW Customer Advisory Group meetings suggests both WaterNSW and WAMC will ask IPART for significant annual price increases, potentially 15 percent plus CPI. If this is correct, CICL believes the failure of both WaterNSW and WAMC to control costs is extremely disappointing. It is not acceptable for a State-Owned Corporation (WaterNSW) or government to simply expect to pass on their increased costs to the productive sector.
It is important stakeholders participate in the IPART process. More information will be available once the pricing proposals are available. CICL anticipates key issues for this determination include:
Justification for increases in costs compared to the last determination;
Sharing of costs between water users and government; and
Water Insights
.WaterNSW continues to make improvements to its WaterInsights information portal. Members are encouraged to explore this portal and register for alerts for items which interest them. There are alerts for gauge heights and for announcements by water sources. The home page WaterInsights includes a small number of videos which will help you learn about how to navigate and get the most out of the site.
National Irrigators’ Council AGM
NIC held its Annual General Meeting last week. I am pleased to report, Jenny McLeod our Policy and Communication Manager was elected chair replacing Jeremy Morton, former SunRice Director and RGA delegate to NIC. Jeremy retired from NIC after six years as a delegate and four years as chair. Jenna Bell, Murrumbidgee Private Irrigators and Murrumbidgee Groundwater was also elected to the NIC Board along with Ben Fessey from OLAM Orchards Australia. Further information is here.
CICL welcomes the opportunity Jenny being chair of NIC provides to support the efforts of NIC in building a responsible and sustainable irrigation industry while protecting water property rights for future generations of farmers and their communities.
Australian Painted Snipe named “Knighty”
CICL recently participated in the funding drive to support efforts to track and preserve the Australian Painted Snipe.
We chose to provide funding to support the tracking of one bird to be named “Knighty” in recognition of now retired employee Steve Knight who worked for CICL and its predecessor for over 50 years.
The Painted Snipe team have recently tagged five new birds from the Macquarie Marshes over the last few days. This includes “Knighty – Coleambally.” More information and pictures can be found Knighty Coleambally Irrigation
Conclusion - CEO
I am pleased we have recruited Noel and Adrian to CICL. Please welcome them and their respective wives to Coleambally.
I encourage active members to participate in the director election postal ballot with voting closing at 12 noon Tuesday 22 October. The results of the ballot will be announced at the AGM.
I look forward to meeting more members at our 25th AGM on Thursday 24 October commencing at 8.30am.
This year the business at the AGM will be short and streamlined and includes seeking members’ support for the appointment of Suzanne Murray as an independent director for a three-year term. Peter Sheppard, Chairman and Paul Clarke General Manager Finance and Environmental Compliance will both address the AGM.
Jenny McLeod Policy and Communication Manager and I will both provide updates to the General Meeting following the AGM, giving members the opportunity to ask questions about operations and external matters.
Anthony Mannes’ term as a director ends at the AGM. Attending the AGM will provide you with an opportunity to thank Anthony for his nine years of service to CICL and its members.
Kind regards,
Julian Speed, CEO