Water Trading

CICL allows Members and Customers to Permanently Trade Water Entitlements, Delivery Entitlement and Shares and Temporary Trade allocation.

Permanent Trade

If you wish to Permanently Trade Water Entitlements, Delivery Entitlement, Shares or Infrastructure associated with a supply point, please complete and lodge the required form along with the associated documentation.  Permanent Trade forms can be found on the Forms page under the Permanent Trade Forms section.

Temporary Trade

CICL is the approval authority for all temporary trades into, out of and within the CICL Water Access Licence’s. 

Please contact your selected Water Broker who will guide you through the Temporary Trade process and provide the relevant forms and documentation to you for completion.  Your Water Broker will then send these forms to CICL for approval.

For those who wish to trade between your CICL holding and another licence without using a Water Broker, you will need to complete the appropriate CICL forms and WaterNSW form and lodge them with CICL for approval.

Forms and Fees

The CICL Temporary Trading Forms that are to be completed and submitted to CICL as the approval authority can be found on the Forms page under the Temporary Trade Forms section.

The fees associated with Temporary Trades can be found under the Standard Service Charges section on the Schedule of Charges page. If you have any questions on how to facilitate any Temporary Trade of allocation, please contact the CICL Water Trading Officer on 02 6954 4003.

Water trade records must be kept from 1 July 2024

The Commonwealth Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water (DCCEEW) have released information to explain the new requirements for records of water trades to be kept from 1 July 2024 here.

The Water Amendment (Resilient Rivers) Act 2023 (the Act) requires irrigators completing annual allocation trades and permanent trades of water entitlements and/or delivery entitlements to keep a record of this transaction for at least five years. This includes when the trade is between a related party.

The Act also requires all forms to be completed truthfully, this means where the form requires price and reason for trade the information provided must be accurate, even if the information is commercially sensitive, commercial in confidence or personal information. Click here for more information on these changes.

The Inspector General Water Compliance will have new powers to ensure compliance with the Water Market Reforms in the Failure to comply may result in serious civil penalties.

These new obligations apply to customers. CICL advises customers they should not rely on CICL being able to provide these personal records, to the regulator upon the request of a customer. CICL recommends customers, when completing transfers including through a water broker they retain copies of the completed forms.