Schedule of Charges
CICL usually announces its annual charges in June, prior to the commencement of the new water year, with the charges to apply from 1 July.
The Schedule of Charges includes CICL’s fixed charges and standard service charges which include charges for farm transactions, water and/or delivery entitlement transfers and annual administration charges; for example Single Farming Unit and Non-Member Water entitlement holder.
Government charges are included in our Schedule. Government charges include WaterNSW and the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation water entitlement and usage charges. These charges include recovery of NSW contribution to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The government charges are determined by the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) and CICL passes these charges on to its customers.
2024/25 CICL Schedule of Charges
2023/24 CICL Schedule of Charges
CICL invoices customers annually in arrears by 30 June with payment due by the 31 July.
CICL has prepared a “ready reckoner” to assist customers calculate their 2024/2025 charges. The ready reckoner and a guide to using it are available below.