CICL Announces Clifford Ashby's retirement.
Dear Members,
I write to inform you that Clifford Ashby has declined the Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Board’s offer to extend his contract and he will be leaving CICL at the end of October 2023, after just over six years in the role.
Whilst the Board is disappointed Clifford has chosen not to continue his employment with CICL post October 2023, the Board understands and values his reasons for deciding October 2023 is the best time for both CICL and Clifford to leave CICL and for a new Chief Executive Officer to commence.
Clifford aims to retire from full-time employment and transition to a non-executive director portfolio.
A major achievement during Clifford’s tenure is the structural change to CICL and the Mutual. This involved CICL converting to a non-distributing co-operative and it gaining classification as a tax-exempt public authority. These changes are significant and required our members’ support. The changes involved establishing a CICL sinking fund, the merger of CICL with the Mutual, transfer of assets from the Mutual to CICL, and the winding up of the Mutual.
The enduring financial benefits of this restructure are significant, and the successful restructure will be Clifford’s legacy to CICL.
The Board is in the middle of setting CICL’s Strategy for 2023-2028, and during the process, it was clear that Clifford has made a significant difference to CICL. Clifford has provided leadership to his management team and encouraged members of the management team to build their skills and increase their contribution to CICL. Supporting and empowering our people is vital to our continued success. Other important achievements include the successful navigation of the COVID19 pandemic, improved governance, early member benefit announcements, and maintaining charges at below CPI increases.
The Board has commenced its search for a new Chief Executive Officer with the assistance of an external recruitment agent and the position will be advertised shortly.
Whilst it is too early to officially thank Clifford for his contribution to CICL, he will be leaving CICL with an empowered management team, a business providing an excellent irrigation service, robust management of our financial assets, and a respected organisation in the irrigation industry.
I wish Clifford and his wife Robin well as they plan together the next phase of their journey.
Of course, between now and the end of October it is business as usual for Clifford as CICL sets its Strategy for 2023-2028, finalises this water year and prepares for the 2023/24 water year.
Yours sincerely
Peter Sheppard