CSIRO STEM Links Program and Coleambally Irrigation
Co-operative Limited (CICL)
CICL is pleased to welcome Edward (Eddie) Liang for a six-week internship starting in mid-January. Eddie is going into his last year of a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)/Bachelor of Commerce (Business Analytics) combined degree at the University of Sydney.
The CSIRO Generation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Links program is funded by the NSW Government and supports internships to help students gain workplace skills.
Eddie will be supervised by Ali Simmons, our Water Operations Engineer, and will be assisting with a review of our closed-conduit (pipe) meter outlet assets. This project will assist CICL with its maintenance and capital programs for our meter fleet.
This is a great initiative to provide university students with the opportunity to improve their “work ready” skills and for CICL to introduce students to the range of interesting work available at CICL.

Eddie Liang, CSIRO STEM Links and CICL Intern
Water Charges Ready Reckoner
CICL has prepared a “ready reckoner” to assist customers calculate their 2024/2025 charges. The ready reckoner and a guide to using it are available on our website here.
Active Membership Requirements
Active member eligibility – Members are reminded to be an Active Member and eligible for any Member Benefit announced by CICL, members must meet the Active Membership criteria in CICL’s Rules, Rule 9 which includes payment of all their 2023/24 invoices or entering a payment arrangement with CICL by COB on Wednesday 31 July 2024
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been an increase of 2% in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been an increase of 2% in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been an increase of 1% in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
CICL Update December 2024
This newsletter provides Members with an update on key water issues affecting CICL and its Members’ businesses.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
CICL Update October 2024
This newsletter provides Members with an update on key water issues affecting CICL and its Members’ businesses.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water released a Water availability update with allocation update and useful information for the Murrumbidgee regulated water source.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water today announced there has been no increase in water allocation for the Murrumbidgee regulated valley.
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